The Moon Doggie is the modern version of the old fashioned "pig" which had all the area in the tail and a thin nose. The narrower nose and full tail (with a hip) in this design helps maintain great speed and manoeuvrability for high performance mal surfing in smaller waves.
The concave nose provides greater entry and paddle power for catching waves whilst the vee in the rest of the board helps transitions from rail to rail. The medium rails help provide control but are also forgiving.
This mal is for small waves in the 1-3ft range that lack a little push. The Moon Doggie turns incredibly well and nose rides better than most and is a must for the small waver performance mal rider.
The 7’0 - 7’6 stock comes standard with a rounded diamond tail and the 8’0 - 9’0 comes standard with a rounded pin.
L W Th Vol Wgt
7'0 21 3/4 2 5/8 43.0 60-80kg
7'3 22 2 3/4 47.5 70-90kg
7'6 22 2 3/4 49.0 70-90kg
8'0 22 1/2 2 7/8 58.0 80-100kg
8'6 22 1/2 3 64.5 80+kg
9’0 23 3 70.2 80+kg
* Pricing for this model includes...
Plain white with black decals and a finish coat wet rub. Thruster (3) fin set up, and Strong glassing (6,4/6oz)
For custom sprays, tints, decals and finishes please call the factory on (03) 5952 2578